Her diagnosis was a shock and devastating. How could this happen to a 28-year-old mom, wife, and businesswoman?
“People my age don’t get breast cancer,” Kristin Salazar-Coffman recalls thinking. “All I wanted to do was to be there for my girls. They’re so little. They’re not ready to not have a mom.”
Kristin’s unpredictable journey led her to the Sedona office of celebrated breast surgeon Dr. Beth Baughman DuPree. First and foremost, Dr. DuPree let Kristin know that breast cancer is not a death sentence. She then outlined an integrative care approach that addresses the whole person.
Integrative medicine puts the patient at the center. It follows a holistic approach to care, attending to the physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental aspects that affect health. It means providing the most advanced and proven medicine along with complementary and supportive therapies. Such care has shown to reduce patient distress and pain.
Part of that support includes a “thrivers retreat.” Sponsored in part by Health First Foundation, the retreat focuses on restoring emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being for those diagnosed with breast cancer.
Kirstin attended the retreat with surgery, radiation and chemo treatments behind her. Although the treatments were over, she couldn’t dismiss the fear her cancer may come back.
She arrived to the retreat feeling sad and depressed. “There’s always that C word in the back of your mind.” But those emotions gave way to lightness and clarity following a set of breathing exercises.
“We came out of this breathwork … and the entire mood of the group shifted. We were all chatting and laughing, and there was no more barrier between us.”
The retreat participants formed a strong network of friends who continue to give support and encouragement to each other.
Kristin was not a bystander in her care. She was active, making lifestyle changes and self-care priorities that would help her live her best life through treatments and after.
Every cancer patient needs to “feel that hope, and feel like they have control in a time that is really out of control,” says Kristin about her integrative care experience.
The foundation is a proud supporter of cancer care and integrative medicine in this region. It puts us one step closer to our vision for every person in northern Arizona to have the opportunity to achieve optimal health.
Health First Foundation donors enrich our communities by helping us raise the level of health and well-being in northern Arizona. A gift of any amount makes a difference.
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