Our Pledge to Donors

Our Pledge to Donors

We have the privilege to have you as an investor in community health, and we do not take you or your gifts for granted. We value every donation. To assure your full confidence in our foundation, we pledge the following to donors.

  1. Make known Our Mission and the ways we use donor resources
  2. Use gifts for their intended purpose
  3. Make known the people who serve on our Board of Directors and as top officers
  4. Commit to prudent judgment in the stewardship of funds
  5. Make available our most recent financial statements and annual reports
  6. Give appropriate acknowledgment and recognition for gifts made
  7. Handle donations with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law
  8. Be professional and forthright in our business with every organization and individual
  9. Listen to questions and give prompt, forthright answers
  10. Rigorously evaluate potential grantees and conduct thorough reviews of grant expenditures and impact
  11. Regularly share the results and community impact of donor dollars
  12. Honor your request to be removed from our contact lists

You Make A Difference

The health of many northern Arizonans has been improved because of the incredible generosity of donors like you. Help build a healthier northern Arizona for your family, neighbors, and community by making a gift today. Thank you!

"Donors like you helped save my life."

— Eva, patient in a foundation-funded health program


We invite you to speak directly with us about how you can make a difference.



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